I'm not gonna lie.
I'm perfect.
But when I'm not perfect I have things to work on.
This quarter was filled with tons of math, data, experiments, and procrastination. I'm so good at procrastinating.
Some of the math and calculation work this quarter was pretty difficult for me to wrap my head around. Math isn't my favorite subject and I'm not exactly scientifically minded so when the two mix I get annoyed and ignore it a lot. As I'm planning to be a Liberal Arts major (hahahahahaha!) I don't see my disregard for Empirical Formulas to be that much of a problem.
Of course, as a senior I ought to buckle down and set my priorities straight. Which brings me to the procrastination. It's a lot harder to turn in assignments when they're entirely dependent on you. By this I mean, when your teacher isn't asking for a written analysis and procedure after every single experiment it can be hard to motivate yourself to put that information up in a blog. It's so easy to leave that for the last minute. Like I've been doing all year. But it's also not a good idea and it's hard to get the best grade I can when I'm rushing everything. Obviously. So I want to be better, obviously. This new quarter is dedicated to not procrastinating. Just because I can get everything done in the nick of time doesn't mean I should. Even if it is science. As much as the beauty of tumblr constantly calls to me I must get the sciency stuff over with as quickly as possible, like ripping off a band-aid.
I'm also going to take more pictures of labs and stuff. Looking at my experiments post is depressing and it'd be fun to have lots of pictures to go with my labs. I can change!!!
4th quarter is going to be a lot better. Well, of course it is. It's my last quarter of high school!! :D
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